Tuesday, August 05, 2008

7 Facts Tag

Tagged by Melisse. Thanks sis!

The rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
D. You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.


1. I gave birth a month earlier.

2. I just learned to cook & clean the bathroom when I got here in the US ( wala akong choice hehehe!)

3. I have a driver's license for 3yrs now but I don't drive often. I only drive when it's needed.=p

4. I'm a Stay at home mom. No help since I gave birth (well, except for hubby...hehehe)

5. I'm the eldest in the family, 1st apo in my Mom's side.

6. I was a declaimer in grade school ( from grade 1-6 ata). I've been in several declamation contest ( & won!...hehe)

7. I just turned 30 last May! ( hay tanda na...hehe)

Tagging Leslie, Marshi, Gagay, CC's, Tweety, Nol & Jovie.

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